Thursday, March 25, 2010

What Gives You the Right?

It's been quite a long time, but I'd like to get my weekly post commitment going again. To that end...

I was getting ready for bed last night and as I do each night I was coming to God in prayer with thanks for the day behind me and a list of requests for the day ahead. I took a moment to think about how I do approach the throne of God with my list of requests such as, please help me to focus on my work and get things done. I thought about the idea of supplication, humbly requesting or even begging a Holy and Awesome God to listen to your needs and wants. Suddenly another question struck me, "what gives you the right to even come to Him and beg? Why should the One who created of the universe in seven days care what you want to accomplish tomorrow?"

I knew that God did care, and had granted me that right, but for a moment I could think of no reason why He should.

Then I remembered every one's favorite Sunday school answer, "Jesus," more specifically my relationship with Jesus is what gives me the right and the privilege of being able to approach the throne of God and ask his blessings on my day. God, for some reason, loved us enough to give His son on a cross and thus destroy the barrier that kept us from reaching the Father.

It's important to remember not to take this sacrifice for granted for only by it are we capable of reaching out to the Throne of Grace.

I guess in a way this a bit of an early "Happy Easter" greeting.

God Bless,


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lynn Adkins Memorial Details

A memorial project is being set up in Lynn Adkins' name, to aid the ministry of the Africa Gospel Church Baby Center in Nakuru, Kenya. The Baby Center accepts orphaned babies and cares for them up until they are around four years old, providing them with warm beds and
clothes, food, and most of all love. The center's goal and main hope is to be able to get each baby adopted into a loving, Christian, Kenyan home.

The funds given in Lynn's name will be used to send a packet containing a Bible, Christian-storybooks and other items home with babies who are adopted. Staci Keter, the Center's director, said, "That way, we can even let the families know that what they're given is in honor of someone who so much wanted people to know about Jesus and be able to use it as an encouragement and reminder to raise the children they are taking home to know and follow Jesus."

The cost of these packets and the specific items that would be put into each is currently under investigation. If you would like to give toward this fund you can send a check to

World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, In 46952

Make the check payable to World Gospel Mission and include a SEPARATE NOTE with the account number 125-31238, and indicating the gift is in memory of Lynn Adkins. Staff at the Baby Center will receive the money from that point and will see that it is used appropriately.

At this time WGM is unable to take online donations for most field projects, but if you would like to give by credit card you can call the office at 765.664.7331 and they can take the information over the phone.

You can learn more about the AGC Baby Center at and more about World Gospel Mission at

Thank you,

Jonny, for Doug and Daniel, Adkins