Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Quick Review of Elektra

I think I'm going to start writing short reviews of "new" (as in new to me) movies I've seen...

Some of you may remember Elektra from it's dazzling previews a few years ago, there were all these great shots of the girl from Alias in a rather revealing bright red outfit fighting a host of somehow strange looking enemies. As it died in the box office I doubt many of you actually saw it.

This film is exactly what the previews looked like, Jennifer Garner (the Alias girl) stars as Elektra, reprising her supporting role from Daredevil which had been released just a few years prior. Elektra works as an assassin for hire who is so good she whispers in your ear before she kills you. The problem comes when she is given an assignment to kill a young girl whom she has just befriended, a rare pleasure for an assassin. Now Elektra, the girl, and her father are on the run from a horde of demons who look like people but blow up into a cloud of smoke when they die. If this plot line sounds cool to you then congratulations, you are very in-touch with your inner 13 -year-old boy. That's who this movie was made for and it delivers on the very core level of a pretty girl kicking butt on the baddies. We're never given any real motive for the demons and why they want this girl, or what value she has. We're never told how we actually know that the demons are bad (other than being called demons) and Elektra's blind former trainer and his friends are the good guys. But we join Elektra as she runs from one surreal fight to another.

Don't get me wrong, I did have fun with this movie, my 13-year-old-self got to come to the forefront for a few hours, but you have to go into it expecting what you'll get. Otherwise you'll just be left baffled.

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